06 Mar

Post a 100-word summary of your presentation topic. Next, upload your Powerpoint slides.


Posted by on March 6, 2007 in religion


7 responses to “GROUP PRESENTATIONS WEEK 3/5 — 3/9

  1. toufie

    March 19, 2007 at 11:30 pm

    Toufic Hamadeh
    Chapter 14: Jihad

    My groups topic for this presentation was Jihad. The presentation that we are going to present is going to focus on the different types of Jihad (Lesser Jihad and Greater Jihad) and also the ways media has twisted and manipulated the meaning of Jihad into something that it is not making Islam look as though it is a violent religion. There will be examples of media abuse and the different types of Jihad. I do not know how to upload my powerpoint presentation, but I have emailed it to myself so that I can get it during class for our presentation.

  2. msarah

    March 20, 2007 at 7:56 am

    Salam everybody.
    My group topic was: looking life in Islamic way.
    After our presentiation, somebody ask a question abot Heaven. This person said we didn’t mention it. Everybody knows what heaven will be like. Even a newborn. It is the reason why we are trying to do good on this earth.But, nobody knows what hell will be like since we are still doing bad things.
    If we think about what will be waiting for us in hell, we won’t think of the enjoyment of our animal self which is only materialistic.For instance,a person who loses all his/her family in less then a mn, would you think of it as hell? If your answer is yes, it means that you do not believe in your God,since this world is His and He does not do wrong.Being Muslim is accepting everything that happen to oneself as God’s choice. Whatever happens in this world happens , because God wanted it to happen . Being able to accept that is looking life in Islamic way.
    May God guides us.

  3. mkhan

    March 23, 2007 at 6:42 am

    The topic that was assigned to our group was Chapter 18 – “Exploring the Sources of Islam”. This chapter was mainly about the Holy Qur’an, the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and the role of Islamic Scholars.

    Our presentation highlighted some important aspects such as the themes of the Qur’an, the importance of the Hadith, differences between the two sources, the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the different madhabs, and Islamic fiqh (jurisprudence).

    It is important to note that this was only a basic overview and was not meant as a comprehensive study. All of the topics require more analysis on an individual basis which was beyond the scope of our presentation assignment.

    Gabriella Machiavelli
    Muhammed S. Khan
    Sidrah Qadeer

  4. mouna1

    March 25, 2007 at 6:07 am

    Mouna Kazar
    My group topics were, Food for the soul, and Cloning and Islam.
    In the first Topic ( Food for tha Soul )we talked about the core beliefs of Islam, the meaning of Allah, the proof for God’s existence ( the natural world, Our human abilities, the revelation of God’s guidance,and our inner feelings). Also, we talked about the angels. The last point was how to feed the soul by remembering God, meditation,charity, loyality to the parents,being kind to orphans, forgiveness, trusting God, and love others.
    In the second presentation, cloning and Islam, we talked about the meaning of the cloning, explaining what happened to Dolly the cloned sheep(her real age was the addition of her age and her mother age.Then we talked about why the Islam forbidden the cloning (God says: O mankind! we created you from male and female).Also, we talked about the problems from cloning the human being especialy the mixing of kinship and destrying the nature.The last point in the presentation was the stem cells which are the fertilized cells at age five days which can convert to any kind of cells .This cells can be used to cure the disease . This kind of cells, the Islam says it is obligatory, not just allowed ( prophet Mohammad said: Allah created the illness and the cure so seek a cure.
    Mouna, Monawar, Mario.

  5. dmetwalli

    March 26, 2007 at 4:16 pm

    hello my group topic was about the lives of women in Ilamic society. My group and I discussed the constant misconceptions concerning women in Islam. We incorporated the dress codes invloved, the rules of marriage and just basic information regarding wommen. See to alot of outsiders lookimg in they women of our society as not being treated equal or as a lesser class but just by our presentation all those ideas are proved wrong because in fact women just have enough of much say in their religious practice and way of life. I hope that our main points were conveyed to properly and that some of the misconception was corrected.

  6. nsilpagar

    April 5, 2007 at 7:13 pm

    I did my power point project with Alma and we were given Chapter 25-Islam in America. Our project talked about how at first the Christians in America were against people that were Muslim. They tried to get them to convert to Christianity or else they would be tortured. A lot of Muslims pretended to convert but never really did. This chapter also went on to talk about the life of Malcolm X. It talked about how he learned about Islam and how he began to teach people about it, up until his assassination. The chapter also talked about the first Islam Groups that were formed in America and when the big great waves of Muslims arrived in the USA.

  7. enc1029

    April 12, 2007 at 4:36 am

    Hi everyone, sorry it took so long for me to post a comment i’ve been very sick in and out of the hospital and havent been able to get to a computer till now. My group topic was underslanding the muslim prayer. It was assigned to Myself Erica , Thuraya, Layla. It was chapter 11 in the book. It was a very interesting topic and i learned many new things i never knew. Our topic explained why muslims pray for what reasons and exactly when they do. Other things that were covered were how to present yourself before God and how to pray.


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